A new convention for the recovery of refrigerants

The Practical Review of Cold No 1053

Since 1993, a convention governed in France the recovery of refrigerants. After proving its efficiency, this circular economy concept required a complete redesign, in the light of the latest regulatory evolutions. Laurent Guégan, ADC3R’s president explain us the why of the how.

Why a new convention?

More than 20 years have passed since the signature of the Convention of 1993 and we have to admit that the parameters taken into account at the time have evolved in the meantime, resulting, therefore, a deep imbalance. So, due to the evolution of the market and the regulatory evolutions, it seems essential to make a now convention which take into account…

Read more about it (in French only): http://www.larpf.com/Archives-article/Fiche/7547/Une-nouvelle-convention-pour-la-recuperation-des-fluides