Le Parlement Européen vote le texte de la commission ENVI […]
L’utilisation de Trackdéchets est obligatoire, pour les fluides frigorigènes, à […]
Le bordereau de suivi de déchet doit être dématérialisé via […]
Les dernières informations concernant le Trackdéchet sont à retrouver dans […]
Voici le position paper concernant l’application et la dématérialisation de […]
Parcours d’un déchet de gaz sous pression
More and more undeclared refrigerants appear in the market. Available online, these fluids called “illegal” put in risk the achievement of environmental objectives fixed by the Regulation F-Gas but they present many other risks.
Press release about the proposed tax on HFC refrigerants
The Practical Review of Cold No 1053
Short video of 3 minutes which will allow you to understand the issues of the recovery and regeneration of refrigerants.
Thursday 03rd of November 2016, the Télématin teams realized a TV report with members of the SNEFCCA represented by the cold company Forézien and by ADC3R.
According to a February ARMINES study in 2011: “As a precursor in terms of refrigerant recovery, France has seen an evolution of its regulations since 1992, with a gradual strengthening of national and community regulations relating to the recovery of refrigerant fluids.
After 22 years of voluntary and responsible approach aimed at reducing and controlling fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions (GESF), the sector “Refrigeration and air conditioning” present the exceptional result of one of the first circulars economies.
Article on La RPF
The French model of recuperation and regeneration of GESF presented to United Nations: How France avoided 45 MT Eq CO2 with the CFC, HCFC, HFC reclaim for 22 years?
Publication on Froid News
Article on HVAC Intelligence web site