
Summary of the report on the economic valuation of refrigerant emissions avoided between 1993 and 2013 through recovery under the 1993 Convention

Fluorinated Gases Observatory 2019

Fluorinated Gases Observatory 2018

Fluorinated Gases Observatory 2017

Fluorinated Gases Observatory 2016

Fluid Observatory 2015

Fluid Observatory 2013

Fluid Observatory 2012

Fluid Observatory 2010

1990 to 2010 Refrigerant inventories for Europe and previsions on banks and emissions from 2006 to 2030 for the European Union

Executive Summary


Inventory of refrigerant emissions in France and DOM COM - Year 2014

Refrigeration and air conditioning professionals: the forgotten of the recovery plan?

Refrigeration and air conditioning professionals are reducing emissions from the use of HFC fluids

Secten report

Reference report on greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions in France.

For those who are interested, we provide you the following link: .
It refers you to the Citepa website where the Secten report is updated every year in June.


Note on the economic evaluation of the social benefits of refrigerant gas recovery over the period 2015-2030

Report on the economic valuation of refrigerant emissions avoided between 1993 and 2013 through recovery under the 1993 Convention

Estimated emissions avoided by the recovery of fluorinated gases from air conditioning and refrigeration

Secten report

Reference report on greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions in France.

For those who are interested, we provide you the following link: .
It refers you to the Citepa website where the Secten report is updated every year in June.


Estimated emissions avoided by the recovery of fluorinated gases from air conditioning and refrigeration

1990 to 2010 Refrigerant inventories for Europe and previsions on banks and emissions from 2006 to 2030 for the European Union

Executive Summary


Inventory of refrigerant emissions in France and DOM COM - Year 2014

Fluorinated Gases Observatory 2019

Fluorinated Gases Observatory 2018

Fluorinated Gases Observatory 2017

Fluorinated Gases Observatory 2016

Fluid Observatory 2015

Fluid Observatory 2013

Fluid Observatory 2012

Fluid Observatory 2010

Summary of the report on the economic valuation of refrigerant emissions avoided between 1993 and 2013 through recovery under the 1993 Convention

Refrigeration and air conditioning professionals: the forgotten of the recovery plan?

Refrigeration and air conditioning professionals are reducing emissions from the use of HFC fluids

Note on the economic evaluation of the social benefits of refrigerant gas recovery over the period 2015-2030

Report on the economic valuation of refrigerant emissions avoided between 1993 and 2013 through recovery under the 1993 Convention

Estimated emissions avoided by the recovery of fluorinated gases from air conditioning and refrigeration